Green mindset

Closing the energy loop
We continually work to reduce environmental impact from our factories. Our Mikkeli factory in Finland has a new heat recovery system which collects exhaust heat from various processes, heat sources and heat pump technology and uses it to heat the building. This will save 500 tonnes of CO2 emissions a year, reducing total emissions from our Wound Care operations by 8%.
In 2021 the factory also introduced a closed cooling circulation system for EtO sterilisation, which has led to a 50% reduction in factory water usage in Finland.

A journey to green logistics
We are continuously innovating with the aim to get closer to our goal of Net Zero emissions. This year we introduced a new carrier to our logistics flow between France and Belgium. The new flow entails a shift from road to an intermodal solution, where approximately 70% of the distance is by train, and the remainder by road. The result is a reduction of CO2 emissions by two thirds. The train is entirely operated by green electricity, which also supports the large reduction in CO2 emissions. It's a step on our journey to green logistics and we are looking at ways to implement this type of solution in other flows.