Survey results
Surgical gloves: putting safety and quality first

1. Creative Medical Research. Survey of 61 actively practising UK surgeons regarding their understanding of surgical gloves. July 2018. 2. UNISON, 2013, Needle Safety at Work. 3. Bevan Brittan LLP. Are Your “Sharps” Policies and Procedures Up to Scratch? February 2011.
Practising UK surgeons have told us
“Sharps injuries may involve time off sick, they may require long term blood tests as a follow up, as well as anti-viral treatment depending on the risk.”

Practising UK surgeons have told us ...
“Lower quality gloves are frequently presented to us but I believe that higher quality gloves lead to faster, safer and more efficient operations and therefore cost savings to the NHS and happier surgeons.”
“Sharps injuries may involve time off sick, they may require long term blood tests as a follow up, as well as anti-viral treatment depending on the risk.”
“Poor quality gloves prolong operations and lead to frustrations and unnecessary delays and anxiety.”
“Poor quality gloves, lead to poor tissue handling and an inferior operation.”
“I operate two-three days per week; Biogel® are comfortable well-fitting gloves with good tactility and are important to smooth the day in theatre.”